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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Strike on 28.02.2012-Charter of demands

Charter of demands


1. Concrete measures to contain price rise

2. Concrete measures for linkage of employment protection with the concession/incentive package offered to the entrepreneurs.

3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.

4. Universal social security cover for the unorganized sector workers without any restriction.

5. Creation of o National Social Security Fund with adequate resources in line with the recommendation, of NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing Committees on Labour, Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State, PSUs, the Central Trade Unions also demand immediate action by the Govt. of India to en sure:-

6. No Contractorisation of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the some rate as available to the regular workers of the Industry/establishment.

7. Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of Statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs 10,000/-

8. Remove the ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.Scrap PFRDA Bill/New Pension Scheme. Ensure pension for all.

9. Scrap PFRDA Bill /New Pension Ensure Pension Bill

10. . Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of ILO conventions 67 and 96.


1. Stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation corporatorisation arid privatization of Governmental functions

2. Fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements.

3. Revise wages of CGEs with effect from 1.1.2011 and every five years thereafter.

4. Regularize the CDS, daily rated workers, contingent and casual workers by bringing about a definite scheme of regularization.

5. Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointment (end the discrimination on compassionate appointment between the Railway workers and other CGEs)

6. Stop the move to introduce the productivity linked wage system Performance related pay; introduce PLB to in all Departments; remove the ceiling of emoluments for bonus computation.

7. Settle all items of anomalies (including the MACP related anomalies) raised in the Notional and Departmental Anomaly committees within a fixed time frame of two months; Set up the anomaly committees in those uniforms

8. Merge DA with Pay for all purposes including pension as and when the DA rates croses the 50% mark.

9. Departments where it has not been set up till date with the Standing Committee members of the National Council; convene the meeting of the Departmental Council in all Ministries/Department once in three month as envisaged in the JCM Scheme

10. Make the right to strike a legal right and stop curtailment of T.U. rights

11. Implement all arbitration awards

12. Raise the interest rote for GPF, Revise the CTA and Night duty allowance and stitching and clothing rates of Vacate all Trade Union victimizations.


1.Upgrade LDCs by re-designation them as Audit Assistants and following pay sales to different cadres -


Acctts./Audit Assistant

PB-1 with Grade Pay Rs.240O


Auditor/Steno Gr.II

P8-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4200


Sr. Auditor/Steno Gr.I

PB-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4600



P8-2 with Grade Pay Rs.48O0

P8-3 with Gracte Pay Rs.5400

(on completion of 4 years)


Accounts Officer

P8-3 with Grade Pay Rs.6600


Sr. Accounts Officer

P8-3 with Grade Pay Rs.76OO

8.Grant initial band Pay Rs.18,750/- to all promotee AAOs

9.Grant higher Pay Scale for DEOs incompliance with Hon’ble Mumbai High Court judgment.

10.Grant promotion of all MTS to the grade of Clerk irrespective of academic qualification one time measure.

11.Implement same scale for promotee and direct recruits.

12.. Ensure promotion of clerks to the grade of Auditor after completion of five years service and Auditor to the grade of Sr. Auditor of the completion of three years service respectively.

13.Grant MACP on departmental hierarchy basis.

14. Grant one increment and Grade pay of Rs.4800 from the day of passing SAS examination.

15.Grant three increments on passing Departmental Confirmatory Examination.

16.Step up pay of Senior Promotees who exhausted ACP in the event of junior drawing more pay and getting ACP in compliance with apex court judgment.

17.All stations where DAD offices are located ore to be grouped in 13 Zones and transfer of Gr.C AAOs should be restricted within the concerned zone except volunteers.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Income Tax deduction for housing loan may increase upto 3 Lakh...

Exempt income up to Rs 3 lakh from I-T: Parliamentary panel

The skewed personal income tax collection pattern of the government has prompted the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance to suggest moderately higher taxes for those who earn more and greater relief for small taxpayers. In fact, it has suggested that the tax should kick in only at annual income levels of Rs 3 lakh and more.

According to latest data collected by the Income Tax department, of the 300 million taxpayers in the country, just 1,85,000 individuals earn over Rs 20 lakh a year. But this small group pays Rs 53,170 crore in personal income tax. The broad categorisation of tax payers shows that individuals in Rs 0-10 lakh comprise almost 92 per cent of the total taxpayer base, but they contribute only Rs 21,094 crore, less than 40 per cent of the amount collected as taxes from the small group earning over Rs 20 lakh a year. The tax payers within the income slab of Rs 10-20 lakh per annum — 3.35 lakh tax payers — paid Rs 10,185 crore to the government, the data showed.

The stark contradiction has prompted the standing committee to suggest that the government should restructure the current tax regime, making it more progressive so that individual tax payers and corporate can be shielded from regressive effects of the present structure. Accordingly, the committee suggests that the tax slab attracting nil rate should be raised from Rs 2 lakh proposed in the Direct Tax Code to Rs 3 lakh so that the department can channelise its resources in minimising the compliance and transaction cost.

“The character of the tax regime should change and it should be made more progressive. This would entail greater relief for small tax payers—both individuals and corporate — and moderately higher rates for tax payers in the higher bracket,” the Parliamentary panel has said.

The panel, currently vetting the proposed DTC has questioned the rationale of the existing tax slabs pointing out that most taxpayers — 2.02 crore of the total 3 crore — fall under the income slab of Rs 0-2 lakh. The number of tax payers further falls to 56.73 lakh in the income slab of Rs 2-4 lakh, making it around 72 per cent in the lowest income bracket for tax purposes. The panel noted that the department should not “diffuse their energies and spread their resources thin over handling such a large number of tax payers with low income potential”.

Another anomaly, the committee has said, lies in the corporate tax structure.

The data shows that the tax collected in the income slab of Rs 0-100 crore is Rs 44,016 crore while that in the income slab of Rs 100-500 crore is Rs 23,421 crore, and Rs 54,558 crore in the above Rs 500 crore slab.

Greater relief

* Let those who earn more pay moderately higher taxes, Parliamentary panel tells government on DTC

* Suggests restructuring the current tax regime so that tax payers can be shielded from regressive effects of the present structure

* Committee says that tax slab attracting nil rate should be raised from Rs 2 lakh proposed in the Direct Tax Code to Rs 3 lakh

Source: Indian Express


I. Settlement at a station other than last station of duty. – It has been decided to sanction the grant of travelling allowance to retiring Government servants on the scale and the conditions set out below. The travelling allowance referred to will be admissible in respect of the journey of the Government servant and members of his family from the last station of his duty to his home town or to the place where he and his family is to settle down permanently even if it is other than his declared home town and in respect of the transportation of his personal effects between the same places.

(a) For journeys by different modes. – Entitlement as for transfer.

EXPLANATION. – In regard to the question as to how the travelling allowance in respect of the members of the family of a retiring Government servant, who do not actually accompany him is to be regulated, it has been decided that the provisions of SR 116 (b) (iii) may be applied mutatis mutandis in all such cases. A member of a Government servant’s family who follows him within six months or precedes him by not more than one month may, therefore, be treated as accompanying him. The period of one month or six months, as the case may be, may be counted from the date the retiring Government servant himself actually moves. The claims of travelling allowance in respect of the family members will not be payable until the head of the family himself or herself actually moves.

The time-limits of one month and six months mentioned above may be extended by the competent authority prescribed in SR 116 (b) (iii) in individual cases attendant with special circumstances.

(b) The Government servant shall, besides the fares, be also eligible to composite transfer grant equal to one month’s basic pay, if the distance from the last station of duty is more than 20 km.

(c) Transportation of personal effects at the scale of allowance laid down in Order below SR 116 is allowable. The Government servant will also be entitled to claim the cost of transportation of personal effects between railway station and residence at either end of the journey as in the case of transfer.

(d) The actual cost of transporting a motor car or other conveyance maintained by the Government servant before his retirement is reimbursable as per Order below SR 116.

EXPLANATION. – In regard to the time-limits applicable for the transportation of personal effects on availment of the concession, it has been decided that the time-limits prescribed in the Explanation below sub-para. (a) above in the case of members of the family, namely, one month anterior and six months posterior to the date of the move of the retiring Government servant himself, should apply in the case of transport of his personal effects. These limits may, however, be extended by the competent authority prescribed under SR 116 (b) (iii) in individual cases attendant with special circumstances.

2. The grant of the concession will be further subject to the following conditions, clarifications and subsidiary instructions :-

(i) The concession will be admissible by the shortest route from the last place of duty of the Government servant to his home town or to the place where he and his family are to settle down permanently even if it is other then his declared home town.

(ii) ***
(iii) The concession may be availed of by a Government servant who is eligible for it, at any time during his leave preparatory to retirement, or within one year of the date of his retirement.

Power to extend the time-limit of one year will be exercised by the Administrative Ministries/Departments with the approval of the F.A. concerned, in individual cases attendant with special circumstances.

(iv) The concession will be admissible to permanent Central Government servants who retire on a retiring pension or on superannuation, invalid or compensation pension.

(v) The concession will also be admissible to temporary employees who retire on attaining the age of superannuation or are invalided or are retrenched from service, without being offered alternative employment, provided that they have put in a total service of not less than 10 years under the Central Government at the time of retirement/invalidment/retrenchment.

(vi) In the case of a person whose domicile is elsewhere than in India or who intends to reside permanently outside India after retirement, the concession will be admissible up to the railway station nearest to the port of his embarkation. In the case of such a person who travels by air, the concession of travelling allowance by rail/road under these Orders will be admissible up to the airport of emplanement for himself and members of his family and up to the port of despatch for his personal effects.

(vii) Where an officer is re-employed under the Central Government while he is on leave preparatory to retirement or within six months of the date of his retirement, the concession admissible under these orders may be allowed to be availed of by him within one year of the expiry of the period of his re-employment.

(viii) A Government servant will be eligible to the retirement travelling allowance concession in full, notwithstanding the fact that he had availed of leave travel concession to home town or any place in India during one year preceding the date of retirement or commencement of leave preparatory to retirement.

3. Not admissible to. – The concession is not admissible to Government servants –
(a) who quit service by resignation; or
(b) who may be dismissed or removed from service; or
who are compulsorily retired as a measure of punishment; or

(d) who are temporary employees with less than ten years of service retiring on superannuation/invalidation/retrenched.

4. The Travelling Allowance claims admissible under these Orders will be drawn, on Travelling Allowance Bill forms like Transfer Travelling Allowance claims. The claims of officers who were their own controlling officers before retirement, will, however, be countersigned by the next superior administrative authority.The claim of an officer who before retirement was employed as the Comptroller and Auditor-General or as a Secretary to the Government of India may be countersigned by his successor in office. The certificate required to be furnished by the officers in respect of Transfer Travelling Allowance claims will also be required to be furnished in respect of claims of Travelling Allowance under these orders.

5. Before reimbursing the Travelling Allowance admissible under these orders, the countersigning authorities should satisfy themselves, as far as possible, that the claimant and members of his family actually performed the journey to the home town or the other place to which he might have proceeded to settle there, e.g., by requiring the production of original railway vouchers relating to transportation of personal effects, conveyance, etc.

[Clarification. - The checks prescribed on retirement travelling allowance claims would be with reference to duties and powers of the controlling officers enumerated under SR 195 and no separate set of guidelines would be necessary vide G.I., M.F., D.O., Dy. No. 1914-IV/89, dated the 7th December, 1989, in reply to C. & A.G., U.O. No. 1009-A.I./82-86, dated the 1st November, 1989.]

6. Payment of Travelling Allowance claims under these orders may be made by the Treasury Officer in relaxation of Rule 21 of the Central Treasury Rules, i.e., may make the payment of such claims even after the issue of a last pay certificate which will be required for the purpose of the finalization of his pension.

7. These orders do not apply to persons who -

(i) are not in the whole-time employ of the Government or are engaged on contract ;
(ii) are paid from contingencies ;
(iii) are Railway servants ;
(iv) are Members of the Armed Forced; and
(v) are eligible for any other form of travel concession on retirement.

[G.I., M.F., O.M. No. 5 (109)-E. IV/57, dated the 11th July, 1960 as amended from time to time including O.M. No. 102/98/IC & 19030/2/97-E. IV, dated the 17th April, 1998.]

NOTE. – The provisions of these orders, as amended from time to time, apply mutatis mutandis to industrial employees in the Government industrial establishments also.

[G.I., M.F., O.M. No. F. 5 (30)-E. IV (B)/65, dated the 27th August, 1965.]

II. For settling down at the last station of duty/at a station not more than 20 km. from the last station of duty. – It has been decided that in cases where the Government servant wishes to settle down permanently at the last station of duty, travelling allowance may be allowed to the extent indicated below, provided the Government servant concerned is required to change his residence as a result of his retirement -

(a) Self and family. Actual cost of conveyance but not exceeding the road mileage allowance admissible under SR 116 (a) II (i) and (ii).
(b) Personal effects. Actual cost of transportation not exceeding the amount admissible under SR 116 (a) II (iii).
(c) Transportation of conveyance. An allowance for car/scooter/motorcycle at the rates notified by the concerned Directorate of Transport for taxi/autorickshaws. Where the above allowance is claimed, mileage allowance will not be admissible to the Government servant/ members of family travelling by the conveyance. If they travel otherwise than by the conveyance they will be entitled to the mileage allowance as per SR 116 (a) II (i) and (ii).
(d) Composite Transport Grant Equal to one-third of basic pay.

NOTE. – For the purpose of this Order, the term `last station of duty’ will be interpreted to mean the area falling within the jurisdiction of the Municipality or Corporation, including such of suburban municipalities, notified areas or cantonments as are contiguous to the named municipality, etc., where the Government servant was posted immediately before his retirement.

The admissibility of travelling allowance as above will also be subject to other conditions for the grant of travelling allowance on retirement as contained in Order (1) above as amended from time to time.

[G.I., M.F., O.M. No. 19016/1/81-E. IV, dated the 13th August, 1981 read with O.M., dated 17-4-1998.]

(2) Concession extended to employees of the Andaman and Nicobar Administration. – It has been decided that the concession, vide Order (1) above be extended to the employees of the Andaman and Nicobar Administration on their retrenchment/invalidment/retirement subject to the conditions laid down therein. Accordingly, application of the provisions of SR 150 will now be restricted to such of the Central Government employees of the Andaman and Nicobar Administration as are not eligible for the concession granted in decision referred to above.

[G.I., M.F., O.M. No. 5 (5)-E. IV (B)/61, dated the 20th February, 1961.]

(3) T.A. for journeys to attend departmental enquiry by Government servants after removal/dismissal or compulsory retirement from service. – The question was under consideration whether and, if so, at what rates, travelling allowance should be allowed to a Central Government servants who is removed/dismissed or compulsorily retired from service as a penalty in cases, where, under the orders of the appellate or reviewing authority, it is decided to hold a further/de novo departmental enquiry and the Government servant is required to attend such enquiry. It has been decided that the Government servant concerned may be allowed travelling allowance as for a journey on tour from the place where the summons to attend to enquiry reaches him to the place of enquiry and back but not exceeding that to which he would be entitled, had he performed the journey from his home town to the place of enquiry and back. The travelling allowance may be regulated in accordance with the pay of the post held by the Government servant immediately before his removal/dismissal or compulsory retirement.

[G.I., M.F., O.M. No. 19012/1//80-E. IV, dated the 19th April, 1980.]

(4) T.A. for retired Government servant for attending departmental enquiry/judicial proceedings against him. – See Government of India’s Order below SR 153-A.

(5) No advance of T.A. in case of journeys performed after retirement. – A question has been raised whether an advance of travelling allowance under the normal rules can be given in the cases covered by Order (1) above. It has been decided that an advance of travelling allowance may be sanctioned by the authorities competent competent to sanction such an advance in cases of journeys performed during leave preparatory to retirement but not in case of journeys performed after the date of retirement.

[G.I., M.F., O.M. No. F. 16-A (10)-E. II (A)/60, dated the 30th November, 1969 and Rule 224, G.F.R.]

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Children Education Allowance - Clarification.


Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi, 21st February, 2012


Subject: Children Education Allowance - Clarification.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No.12011/03/2008—Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008, and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time on the subject cited above, and to state that various Ministries / Departments have been seeking clarifications on various aspects of the Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy. The doubts raised by various authorities are clarified as under:


Point of reference/doubts



What constitute “Fee” as per para 1(c) of the O.M. dated 2/9/2008 and
whether fee paid for extra-curricular activities to some other
institute and reimbursement of, school bags, pen/pencils. etc., can
be allowed? Is there any item-wise ceiling?

“Fee’ shall mean fee paid to the school in which the child is studding,
directly by the parents/guardian for the items mentioned in para
1(e) of the O.M.dated 2/9/2008. Reimbursement of school bags,
pens/pencils, etc., may not he allowed. There is no item-wise


Whether reimbursement can be allowed in case the original receipts are
misplaced and duplicate receipts are produced by the Government

In case of misplacement of receipts given by the school/institution
towards charges received from the parents/guardian, reimbursement
may be allowed if the Government servant produces a duplicate
receipt, duly authenticated by the school authorities. Receipts from
private parties, other than the school, if misplaced shall not be ,
entertained, even if a duplicate receipt is produced. Original
receipts from school authorities need not be attested /
countersigned stamped by the school authorities.


Whether the Government servant is allowed to get 50% of the total
amount subject to the overall annual ceiling in the first quarter
and the remaining amount in third and or fourth quarter?

Reimbursement of 50% of the entitled amount for the academic year could
be allowed in the first and/or second quarter and the remaining
amount could be reimbursed in the third and/or fourth quarter.
However,the entire entitled amount can be reimbursed in the last


It is provided that whenever the DA increases by 50% the CEA will
increase by 25%. What shall be the date of effect of such

Any enhancement in the ceiling of reimbursement per annum due to
increase in DA by 50%, shall be applicable on pro-rata basis from
the date of increase in DA, subject to actual expenditure during the

Under signed sd/-

(Vibha G.Mishra)


Click here to view this order

Monday, February 20, 2012


Guidelines for Admission – Kendriya Vidyalayas ( 2012-13)


1. In supersession to all guidelines that have been issued governing admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas, the following guidelines are issued to regulate admissions in the Vidyalayas with effect from the academic session 2012-13. These guidelines are not applicable to KVs in abroad. The separate guidelines are being issued to foreign Kendriya Vidyalayas.


Unless the context suggests otherwise, the definition of the following terms would be as below :-

(i) CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES : An employee who draws his emoluments from the consolidated fund of India.

(ii) TRANSFERABLE : An employee who has been transferred at least once in the preceding 7 years shall be deemed to be transferable.

(iii) TRANSFER : An employee would be treated as transferred only if he/she has been transferred by the competent authority from one place/usrban agglomeration to another place/urban agglomeration which is at a distance of at least 20 kms. and minimum period of stay at a place should be six months.

(iv) AUTONOMOUS BODIES / PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKINGS : Organizations which are fully financed by the government or where the government share is more than 51 per cent would be deemed to be autonomous bodies/ public sector undertakings.


  1. The following priorities shall be followed in granting admissions:-


    Children of transferable and non-transferable central government employees including ex- servicemen. This will also include children of foreign national officials, who come on deputation or transfer to India on invitation by Govt. of India.

    Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
  2. Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
  3. Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous
    Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
  4. Children from any other category including the children of foreign nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons. They would be considered only in case there are no Indian Nationals’ waitlisted for admission.

Note: Admission will be granted based on the number of transfers of the parents as per the existing procedure. The parents of non-transferable Central Govt. Employees including ex-servicemen will be considered after exhausting all transferable employees including ex-servicemen with minimum one transfer. The same is true in other categories.

view more details-click here


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Advance Train Reservation period Extended

The railways have decided to increase the advance reservation period for booking train tickets from the existing 90 days to 120 days effective from March 10, an official statement said on Wednesday.

This is being done on an experimental basis, said an official.

However, there will be no change in case of certain day-time trains like the Taj Express and the Gomti Express where lower time limits for advance reservations are at present in force.